Profile image of Sophie Briers
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Introducing Parent Tap

Parent Tap is a mobile application that aims to explore the challenges of parenthood, identifying key issues, and offering practical resolutions to the problems faced by parents today. The service would provide parents with a safespace to navigate through parenthood and help ease and share the experiences.

The primary goal of Parent Tap aims to provide parents of all backgrounds and ages with a service that connects them with others facing similar experiences, whether it's down to children of the same age, specific parenting and child needs, or overall seeking mental and emotional support and guidance.

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The Process

From the beginning of this project, I prioritised conducting extensive user research, given the background of my project idea. My goal was to understand my potential users by building one-to-one connections with real-life parents from my local parenting group, Surestart, which provided me with weekly access to a diverse range of parents of varying backgrounds and ages.

I began with eight one-on-one user interviews, focusing on their parenting journeys, birthing stories, and relationships with technology. Additionally, I distributed a questionnaire via social media that gathered 72 responses, addressing the types of support parents currently receive, gaps in available support, and suggestions for improving existing systems.

To complement my primary research, I performed a competitive analysis of existing products used by the parents I interviewed and those who responded to my questionnaire. This comprehensive research approach provided a nuanced understanding of the diverse needs and experiences of parents, guiding the development of my project to better support this community.

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The Outcome

The outcome of my major project is the creation of a mobile application designed to support parents by providing reliable and credible information throughout all stages of early parenting. This application offers a trustworthy resource that assists parents in navigating their personal parenting journeys with confidence and ease.

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