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An infinite playground for ideas. Maze is a tool for thought created by designers for designers. It allows you to make sense of your mind and get the inspiration you need to come up with ideas.

Save any type of content whenever and where-ever. From social media posts, to notes, book quotes to zoom recordings and voice notes. Effortlessly save content and browse it using the advanced AI-search. Don’t waste time looking through folders and don’t let any ideas escape you ever again.

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I started working on this project hoping that I’d create something useful, I didn’t expect that I’d end up where I did, designing a tool for thought. Maze started off as a simple way of saving links, but digging deeper into the problem I was trying to solve, I realized that this project is going to become something way bigger than that.

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The Process

The beginning of this project wasn’t as straightforward as it might seem. I knew what problem I was trying to solve: being able to save any type of content seamlessly so that no idea escapes. I tried to piece together a solution from existing tools like Pinterest or Milanote.

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I had to step away from the process and rethink how designers come up with ideas. I took more time analysing every step of the creative process and how a digital tool might be useful. After that, all the pieces started falling into place.

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The Outcome

I’m beyond excited with how this project turned out, and I’m sure this is not the last that we’ll see of Maze. So be sure to follow along on my socials, or you can find out more about Maze here: Maze Links.

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