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About Forse

Forse, meaning sustainability in Norwegian, is a mobile application created to motivate people to live a more sustainable lifestyle.

In Forse, users receive various sustainability challenges and if completed, points that they can exchange for rewards in the app's marketplace. If a user feels charitable, they can exchange their points for donations.

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The Process

I have always had a profound love for nature, so when brainstorming major project topics, the choice fell quickly on sustainability. We have very little time left to act before facing a worldwide tragedy and we need to find better ways to care for our planet.

I conducted a user survey to see if there was any interest in my idea, which led to more user research, including user personas and user flows. I then began sketching potential logos for my brand, as well as low-fi and high-fi wireframes.

As soon as I finished making a clickable prototype, I conducted user testing. The tests consisted of four tasks which represented the main tasks of the application. After gathering feedback from various users, I made some changes to improve the overall user experience across my application.

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The Outcome

Overall I am very pleased with the progress I have made with Forse. Going into this final year of university, I wanted to create something meaningful that I would be proud of. I think I accomplished that and, in the process, learned a lot about what it is like to build a product idea from scratch.

Fighting climate change can be a long and challenging journey, but if people are willing to act, I think only good things can come from it.

Check out my high-fidelity Forse prototype as well as my Notion blog to view more development work.