Pearse O’Neill

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I’m a UX/UI Designer with a passion for beautiful visual design. I have previously worked with brands such as IRN-BRU, Rockstar & Bundaberg providing innovative design solutions for customer facing marketing material.

I am currently open to new work opportunities & would love to hear from you.

My major project Plantra is a habit forming app designed to assist users in transitioning to & maintaining a plant based lifestyle.

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In recent times, interest in plant based living has boomed. It is expected that 25% of the UK population will be vegan or vegetarian by 2025 (Sainsbury’s Future of Food Report). Making such a major change to your lifestyle isn’t always easy or plain sailing.

Plantra aims to provide a helping hand to anyone hoping to try, transition to or maintain a plant based diet. This is made possible with a comprehensive plan, customised to each individual users’ needs & a plethora of resources such as recipes, restaurants guides & community forums.

The Process

Plantra’s creation started with in-depth user research, establishing the types of people who would use the app & what resources they would need. Along with this in-depth market research was necessary which provided important insights on what was already out there & where Plantra could fit in & importantly, be the best plant based app on the market. As this app was centred around a diet plan it was imperative to collaborate with health professionals who gave their informed advice around tackling this project.

The initial research process produced various outcomes including user personas, empathy maps user journeys. These in turn provided a basis to begin wire-framing ideas on paper, figuring out how the app would provide solutions centred around each individual user.

paper wireframes lofi wireframes img/branding sketches brand experimentation

Moving on from paper wire-framing, the process of low fidelity wirefram-ing on Adobe XD. This allowed fine-tuning of the UX without being held to the limitations of a finished UI design. From here the visual design began, it was important to create a visually strong & distinctive brand to build trust & excitement around Plantra.

Plantra utilises distinctive but functional UI design allowing users to digest new information communicated in a strong visual format. The brand colour story & iconography compliment each other throughout each screen on the app adding to the user’s experience.

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The Outcome

Plantra is the fruits of 4 years of studying Interaction Design & working in the Design industry. It combines thorough UX design with beautiful UI & brand design. Looking back where it started to where it is now, the journey has been tough but the outcome is a product that stands alone from its competitors.

Check out the high-fidelity Plantra prototype & view the promotional video below. You can also experience the entire journey of Plantra's creation here.